
Drawing tools


         **[Meet the Artist](<>)**

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Hyan, a potato

Self-taught | Anime style since 2008 | Freelance digital artist

Hey there, I'm Hyan, I love eating chocolate and drawing! If you came here searching for my nationality or age, sorry you won't find D: Why you wonder? Hmm I feel uncomfortable, and it's about privacy too. I hope you can respect that... Thank you!

Favorite animes: Please check here! Next stream: I don't know [ Stream Playlist Link ♪ ]

Free art?


Technical stuff

Copying Hyan

<aside> 🟡 Did I miss something? You can leave a comment on my old FAQ page if you have DA acc, or tweet to me! (avoid DMing me >///< my inbox is constantly full)











             [Commissions info](<>)
